
Showing posts from May, 2020

What are the problem of food and cuses and suggestoons ?

In the present India and whole country facing problem of food. Main cause of Food Problem are :- Quantitative aspect of food problem Qualitative aspects of food problem Distribution aspect of Food Problem Economic aspect of food problem  In Quantitative aspect of food problem are 1 .Incraeasing population :-  As we know , that nowadays ,population is increasing then demand of food will also increase . To fulfill te human need people are cutting more and more trees to grow food grains. 2. Another reason that farmer are growing  crops ,due to natural disaster it get destroyed. Due to this, price of grain rise up. Per capita net availability of food grains went up to a level of 496 grams per day in 1989 as compared to that of 395 grams in early fitfties. In 1990, it has  been provisionally estimated at 476 grams per day. In terms of gross fertilizers consumption, Indra ranks fourth in the World after USA, USSR and China. The country has the largest in the World under Pu...

Mineral and metal production part 1.

     Production of important minerals during 1997-98 to 2001-2002 . Courtesy Research and Reference Division Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Govt. of India. M. Tonnes–Million tonnes, ’000–Tonnes-Thousand tonnes, M.C.M.–Million Cubic Metre, Kg.–Kilogram. 2. Data based on the return received under MCDR, 1998 except coal, lignite petroleum (Crude),natural gas (utilised) and minor minerals: Coal and Lignite: Coal Controller, Kolkata. Petroleum (Crude) and Natural Gas: Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, New Delhi. Minor Minerals: State Governments. Environment problem created by Extracting  and minning The environment side effect of extracting and mining projects can be studied in three categories as under: Effect within and around the area covered by the dam and reservoir. Underground effects caused by emptying of area. Regional effects in terms of overall aspects inclusive of resources use and socio￾economic aspects.  It has also been participating i...

What are mineral resources?

                        Minerals resources Mineral resources are resources which get from earth.  Mineral resources are :- Bauxite Barytes Coal and lignite Chromite Copper Diamond Dolomite Gold  Firecaly Fluorspar Gypsum Graphite Limonite Iron ore Kaolin Lead-zinc Limestone Maganese Mica Nickel Phosphate Minerals Tungsten Magnesite Kyanite and Sillimanite Bauxite :- Recoverable reserves of all grades of bauxite in the country are estimated at 283.3 crore tonnes. Important deposits occur in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Gujrat, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh. Barytes :- The recoverable reserves of barytes are placed at 7.1 crore tonnes. Most of the reserves are located at Mangampet Taluka in Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh. Other minor occurrences are reported from Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh a...

What are the rivers in India?

                          River in india River are the source of water in which human get water. Rivers in india are classified as:- Himalay river Peninsular river  Coastal river River of inland drainage basin. Himalaya river :- The Himalayan Rivers are  the perennial river.They are generally snow-fed and have reasonable flow throughout the year. During the monsoon, the Himalayas receive very heavy rainfall and the rivers discharge the maximum quantity of water causing frequent floods. Peninsular river :-The Peninsular Rivers are generally rain-fed and therefore, fluctuate in volume. Coastal river: -A large number of the streams are Non-Perennial. The coastal streams, especially on the West Coast are short in length and have limited Catchment Areas. Most of them are flashy and non-perennial. River of inland drainage basin: -The streams of the Inland Drainage Basin, is the largest in India receivi...

Over - Utilization of water ? Part 2.

                 Over -Utilization of water It  transpires from our water budget that, in case average annual rainfall of entire country and its total area are taken, the total water resources are of the order of 167 millionhectare meters. In fact, only 66 million-hectare meters of water can be utilised by us for irrigation. As there are some financial and technological constraints we plant to use it fully only by 2010 A.D. By 1951 only 9.7 million ha metre water was used for irrigation. By 1973 it was as much as 18.4 million ha metres. It is observed that Agriculture sector is the major user of water. The water used for irrigation which was two decades back nearly 40% has gone up to 73% by 2000 A.D. Irrigation use is very inefficient. Hence, 25-30% efficiency and method of irrigation are to be changed drastically. From the data on water use shown in the table given as under, it becomesevident that irrigation including for livestoc...

What is water resources? What is it uses and over - Utilization of surface and ground water? Part 1

                  Water resources Water is very essential for human beings. Water is use for irrigation, kadigestive of food ,water is also required in large amounts for industrial and domestic consumption . Irrigation Sginificant of water  The significant of of water are:- Water is the main resource of environment. Water is also  main resources for human beings. Water need for human being for digestion of food ,  Water is also use for irrigation purpose, industry use .  Surface water   Surface water are river , lake and ponds . River River is source of water to reach to us . River water  flow takes place through 14 major river systems. They are   Brahmani,Bhrahmaputra, Cauvery, Ganga, Godavari, Indus, Krishna, Mahanadi, Mahi, ko Narmada,Periyar, Sabarmati,Subarnarekha and Tapti. Position of the river under this :- They share 83% of the drainage basin. They account for 85% of ...

Independence between environment and surrounding

Independence between environment and surrounding is that all the things are interdependent with each other . Like animal depends on each other .Just like that environment depend on the surrounding .Where the surrounding is clean . If the surrounding is clean we get the fresh air .

What is deforestation?

                          Deforestation The process of cutting down of tree in very large amount is known as deforestation. Causes of deforestation The main causes of deforestation are:- People are cutting down the tree to get more land  areas. People are leaving their cattle in field for grazing.They are destroying the whole vegetation. People are cutting down the tree for their own profit like cutting down of wood , selling in the market . People are cutting down of tree for construction building. Evil consequences of deforestation Deforestation  elegocial balance is maintained by nature break away.Floods and drought are terrible consequences. If there are so many trees present it increases the rainfall area  that fall on ground where soil observe the water .   Evil consequences of deforestation are :- 1.Adverse Effect on Productivity 2.Land/Erosion and Landslides 3.Low Per Capita...

What are distribution of forest ?

                Distribution of Forests The forest region in india is divided into eight district of forest region. The district are :- The Western himalaya region The Eastern himalaya region  The Assam region The Ganga plain region The Deccan region The Malabar region The Andaman region The Western Himalaya region :- The region is extends from Kashmir Kumaon.  There are different types forest of pine, conferd and. broad-leaved temperate trees. Forests of blue pine spruce and silver fir occur. The Eastern Himalaya region :- This region comprises  from Darjeeling, Kureseong and the adjacent tract. The temperate zone has a forests of oaks, laurels, rhodendrons,  maples, alder and brich . The Assam region :- This region comprises the Brahamputra and the Surma valleys and the interveing hill ranges. The region contain evergreen forests, occasional thick clumps of bamboos and tall grasses. The Ganga plain regio...

What are the importance of forest resources?

Forest resources:- Forest resources are those resources which people get the thing from the forest to fulfill their needs. Importance of forest resources:- Ecological balance Renewable natural resources Eco-system Economic development Environment quality Safeguard against pollution Soil conservation Wind erosion Maintain the Ecologiacl balance Attract rainfall Control Flood Linked with culture and civilization Supply of raw material Ecological balance :-Forests and wildlife are essential to maintain ecological balance of an area. Renewable natural resources :-Forests are an important renewable natural resources. Eco-system:- Trees  are dominate forest  of the ecosystem, their species content varities in  different parts of the world. Economic development:-Forest contributes to the economic development of the country because they provide goods and services to the people and industry. Environment quality:-The forest enchance the quality of env...

What is natural resources and it's types?

                Natural resources Natural resources are the resources which comes out from the nature to fulfill the human needs. Natural resources Natural resources is divided into two part  Renewable resources Non-renewable resources 1 . Renewable resources:- renewable resources which can renewed  along with their exploitation is known as renewable resources . Example:- soler energy ,wind energy etc Renewable resources 2. Non-renewable resources:- Non renewable resources are the resources which cannot renewed after exploitation. It take million of years to formed the resources,this type of resources is know as non renewable resources. Example :- fossil fuel etc Non renewable resources 3 cyclic resources:-resources there is no final use as they can be used continuously.  Example:- water. used in industry and domestic ways can be cleaned and used again for similar or other purpose. Such resources...

What are the element of the environment?

Elements of environment Environment is constituted by the interacting systems of physical, biological and cultural elements inter-related in various ways, individually as well as collectively. These elements may be explained as under:  Physical elements Physical elements are as space, landforms, water bodies, climate soils, rocks and minerals. They determine the variable character of the human habitat, its opportunities as well as limitations.  Biological elements Biological elements such as plants, animals, microorganisms and men constitute the biosphere. Cultural elements Cultural elements such as economic, social and political elements are essentially man￾made features, which make cultural milieu.

What are the scope of the environment?

The scope of the environment are it consist four segment Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere   Biosphere Atmosphere :- Atmosphere act as the blanket to protect from the ultraviolet ray which comes outs from the sun. On the earth it sustain life . The atmosphere is composed of nitrogen and oxygen. There are so many gases like argon ,carbon dioxide and trace gases. Hydrosphere :- Hydrosphere consist of all water bodies resources like ocean, seas ,lakes ,rivers ,glacier ground water etc. Hydrosphere In the earth 97% ,earth water supply is in oceans. About 2% water are in icecapes and glacier. Only 1% fresh water is available  in the water bodies for human consumption.   The water bodies are river ,lake and ground water. Lithosphere:- Lithosphere is the outer part of the earth .It consist of minerals occurring in earth crust and soil. example:- mineral ,organic matter ,air and water. Lithosphere Biosphere:- Biosphere indicate the l...

What is Environment ?

First let's start with what is environment? Simple definition of environment is that  fresh air which around us is known as environment. Environment is the vast topic .I will discussion all the things one by one In the topic environment ,how people are destroying the environment and how we can take precautions to save the environment. Environment