What are mineral resources?
Minerals resources
Mineral resources are resources which get from earth.
Mineral resources are :-
Barytes :- The recoverable reserves of barytes are placed at 7.1 crore tonnes. Most of the reserves are located at Mangampet Taluka in Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh. Other minor occurrences are reported from Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
Coal and lignite :- Coal is India’s largest mineral resource and presently India is fifth largest of coal in the world. Vast deposits of coal of Gondwana formations occur in West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar,Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. It also occurs in tertiary formations in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Jammu and Kashmir and Nagaland. Total reserves of coal are estimated at 17,046 crore tonnes comprosing 16,499 crore tonnes of non-coking coal and 547 crore tonnes of prime cocking. As compare with India’s coal reserves lignite resources are relatively modest at 438.8 crore tonnes of which the bulk of the reserves are located in and around Neyyeli in Tamil Nadu. Significant lignite resources are in Rajasthan,Gujrat and Jammu and Kashmir.
Chromite :-Total recoverable reserves of Chromite, are estimated at 5.4. crore tonnes. Deposits of economic significance occur in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharastra, Manipur, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. However, refractory grade reserves of chromite are very meagre.
Copper :-Major and important copper ore producing areas are in Singhbhum District (Bihar), Balaghat District (Madhya Pradesh) and Jhunjhunu and Alwar District (Rajasthan). In addition, small production of copper ore comes from Khammam District (Andhra Pradesh),Chitradung and Hassan Districts (Karnataka), and Sikkim. Copper ore reserves in the Country are estimated at 63.2 crore tonnes with a metal content of about 82.8 lakh tonnes.
Diamond :-Total reserves and resources in the country are placed at 10.8 carats. main diamond bearing area in India is Panna belt in Madhaya Pradesh, Ramallakota and Bangampalle Chitradung rocks in Kurnool Districts and gravels of Krishan River Basin in Andhra Pradesh.Presently, the only Diamond Pipe under exploitation is at Panna.
Dolomite :-Total recoverable reserves of dolomite of all grades are placed at 46.08 lakh tonnes.Principal producing states for dolomite are Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Gold :- There are three important gold fields in the country, namely, Kolar Field in Kolar
District and Hutti Gold Field in Raichur District (both in Karnataka) and Ramagiri Gold Field in Anantapur district (Andhra Pradesh). Total in-situ gold ore reserves and resources are estimated at five crore tonnes with a total Gold content of 103.17 tonnes. However,Kolar Gold Field Mines an Hutti account for bulk of Gold Ore Reserves, equivalent to about 57.6 tonnes in in-situ Gold.
Fireclay :- India has vast resources of fireclay with recoverable reserves of 70.3 tonnes. Fireclay occurs in India mainly, associated with Coal Beds of Godwana and Tertialryt Basins. Major fireclay producing states are Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
Fluorspar :-Fluorspar mainly occurs in Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with total recoverable reserves estimated at 18.8 lakh tonnes.
Gypsum :-Total reserves and resources of gypsum in the country are estimated at 120 crore tonnes,of which recoverable reserves are 31.9 crore tonnes. Bulk of domestic production mineral gypsum comes from Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Gujrat also produces small quantities.
Graphite :-Recoverable reserves of graphite are estimated at 46.5 lakh tonnes of which 31 lakh tonnes occur in Kerala and Bihar and the rest in Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Limonite :-Total reserves in limonite at 14.6 crore mainly in beach sands on Eastern and Western Coasts and Tamil Nadu are important.
Iron ore :-India is favourable endowed with iron ore deposits recoverable reserves are estimated at 1197.7 crore tonnes of which 10, 267 tonnes are haematite and 171 crore tonnes magnitute Ore. Haematite mainly occurs in Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka. Large reserves of magnetite ore occur along West Coast, primarily in Karnataka with minor occurrences in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Kaolin :-India possesses vast resources of kaolin and ball clay with kaolin Resources being placed at 87.2 crore tonnes. Currently, principal producing states for Kaolin are Bihar,Gujrat, Rajasthan and West Bengal, Kerala, Haryana, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh also produce significant quantities. Ball Clay Kerala is chiefly produced in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Lead - zinc :-Lead-zinc ore occur in Rajasthan, Meghalaya, Gujrat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Sikkim. However, 95 per cent of the known resources are localised in south-central Rajasthan and the adjoining part of Gujrat. Total identified ore resources are placed at 38.3 crore tonnes equivalent to an in-situ mental content of 56 lakh tonnes of lead and 1.83 crore tonnes of zinc.
Limestone :-Limestine occurs extensively in the country and is produced in almost all states. Major Producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Bihar, Orissa,Rajasthan and Karnataka. Total recoverable reserves of Limestone of all grades are estimated Manganese Ore at 6935.4 crore tonnes.
Manganese :- Recoverable reserves of manganese ore are estimated at 15.4 crore tonnes. Rich deposists of Manganese Ore occur in Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujrat, Karanataka, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa. Major producers are Orissa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
Mica :-India is world’s leading producer of sheet mica and accounts for about 60 per cent of global mica trade. Economic deposits of mica occur in three richest mica belts, accounts for almost 60 per cent of India’s output in terms of value. Though large mica resources are existing, estimates have not far been made because of irregular nature of pegmatites as well as erratic nature of mica mineralisation in pegmatites
Nickel :-Low grade latorited nickel occurs in Cuttack, Keonjhar and Mayurbhani Districts of Orissa. Main occurrence is in Sukinda Belt to Cuttack District. Minor occurrences are also reported from Bihar, Manipur, Nagaland, Maharasthra, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Total nickel ore resources are estimated at 23.1 crore tonnes.
Phosphate Minerals :- Deposists of Phosphorites are located in Chhatarpur, Sagar and Jhabua Districts of Madhya Pradesh, Udaipur, Jaisalmer and Banswara districts of Rajasthan and Dehradun and Tehri and Lalitpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Besides, apatite deposits of commerical importance are reported to occur in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Total recoverable reserves of Rock Phosphate are estimated at 11.5 crore tonnes and of apatite at 20 lakh tonnes.
Tungsten :-Recoverable reserves of tungsten ore are placed at 70 lakh tonnes with W 03 contents of 7,860 tonnes. Tungsten ore occurs in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. The only producing mine in the country is at Degana in Rajasthan.
Magnesite :- India is having large resources of magnesite, which is an important refractory mineral. Total recoverable reserves of magnesite are estimated at 22.2 crore tonnes. Presently, chief sources of magnesite are in the District of Salem in Tamil Nadu and Almora in Uttar Pradesh. Deposits of magnesite also occur in Chamili and Pithoragarh District of Uttar Pradesh, Mysore and Hassan District of Karnataka and in Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala.
Kyanite and Sillimanite :-Kyanitye and sillimanite are other important refractory minerals. Principal sources of supply of kyanite are Singhbhum deposit of Bihar and Bhandara deposit of Maharashtra. A small quantity is also produced form Karnataka and Rajasthan. Total recoverable reverses of Sillimanite are placed at 54.3 lakh tonnes.
Mineral resources are resources which get from earth.
Mineral resources are :-
- Bauxite
- Barytes
- Coal and lignite
- Chromite
- Copper
- Diamond
- Dolomite
- Gold
- Firecaly
- Fluorspar
- Gypsum
- Graphite
- Limonite
- Iron ore
- Kaolin
- Lead-zinc
- Limestone
- Maganese
- Mica
- Nickel
- Phosphate Minerals
- Tungsten
- Magnesite
- Kyanite and Sillimanite
Barytes :- The recoverable reserves of barytes are placed at 7.1 crore tonnes. Most of the reserves are located at Mangampet Taluka in Cuddapah District, Andhra Pradesh. Other minor occurrences are reported from Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
Coal and lignite :- Coal is India’s largest mineral resource and presently India is fifth largest of coal in the world. Vast deposits of coal of Gondwana formations occur in West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar,Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. It also occurs in tertiary formations in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Jammu and Kashmir and Nagaland. Total reserves of coal are estimated at 17,046 crore tonnes comprosing 16,499 crore tonnes of non-coking coal and 547 crore tonnes of prime cocking. As compare with India’s coal reserves lignite resources are relatively modest at 438.8 crore tonnes of which the bulk of the reserves are located in and around Neyyeli in Tamil Nadu. Significant lignite resources are in Rajasthan,Gujrat and Jammu and Kashmir.
Chromite :-Total recoverable reserves of Chromite, are estimated at 5.4. crore tonnes. Deposits of economic significance occur in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharastra, Manipur, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. However, refractory grade reserves of chromite are very meagre.
Copper :-Major and important copper ore producing areas are in Singhbhum District (Bihar), Balaghat District (Madhya Pradesh) and Jhunjhunu and Alwar District (Rajasthan). In addition, small production of copper ore comes from Khammam District (Andhra Pradesh),Chitradung and Hassan Districts (Karnataka), and Sikkim. Copper ore reserves in the Country are estimated at 63.2 crore tonnes with a metal content of about 82.8 lakh tonnes.
Diamond :-Total reserves and resources in the country are placed at 10.8 carats. main diamond bearing area in India is Panna belt in Madhaya Pradesh, Ramallakota and Bangampalle Chitradung rocks in Kurnool Districts and gravels of Krishan River Basin in Andhra Pradesh.Presently, the only Diamond Pipe under exploitation is at Panna.
Dolomite :-Total recoverable reserves of dolomite of all grades are placed at 46.08 lakh tonnes.Principal producing states for dolomite are Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Gold :- There are three important gold fields in the country, namely, Kolar Field in Kolar
District and Hutti Gold Field in Raichur District (both in Karnataka) and Ramagiri Gold Field in Anantapur district (Andhra Pradesh). Total in-situ gold ore reserves and resources are estimated at five crore tonnes with a total Gold content of 103.17 tonnes. However,Kolar Gold Field Mines an Hutti account for bulk of Gold Ore Reserves, equivalent to about 57.6 tonnes in in-situ Gold.
Fireclay :- India has vast resources of fireclay with recoverable reserves of 70.3 tonnes. Fireclay occurs in India mainly, associated with Coal Beds of Godwana and Tertialryt Basins. Major fireclay producing states are Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
Fluorspar :-Fluorspar mainly occurs in Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan with total recoverable reserves estimated at 18.8 lakh tonnes.
Gypsum :-Total reserves and resources of gypsum in the country are estimated at 120 crore tonnes,of which recoverable reserves are 31.9 crore tonnes. Bulk of domestic production mineral gypsum comes from Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Gujrat also produces small quantities.
Graphite :-Recoverable reserves of graphite are estimated at 46.5 lakh tonnes of which 31 lakh tonnes occur in Kerala and Bihar and the rest in Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Limonite :-Total reserves in limonite at 14.6 crore mainly in beach sands on Eastern and Western Coasts and Tamil Nadu are important.
Iron ore :-India is favourable endowed with iron ore deposits recoverable reserves are estimated at 1197.7 crore tonnes of which 10, 267 tonnes are haematite and 171 crore tonnes magnitute Ore. Haematite mainly occurs in Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka. Large reserves of magnetite ore occur along West Coast, primarily in Karnataka with minor occurrences in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Kaolin :-India possesses vast resources of kaolin and ball clay with kaolin Resources being placed at 87.2 crore tonnes. Currently, principal producing states for Kaolin are Bihar,Gujrat, Rajasthan and West Bengal, Kerala, Haryana, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh also produce significant quantities. Ball Clay Kerala is chiefly produced in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat.
Lead - zinc :-Lead-zinc ore occur in Rajasthan, Meghalaya, Gujrat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh,Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Sikkim. However, 95 per cent of the known resources are localised in south-central Rajasthan and the adjoining part of Gujrat. Total identified ore resources are placed at 38.3 crore tonnes equivalent to an in-situ mental content of 56 lakh tonnes of lead and 1.83 crore tonnes of zinc.
Limestone :-Limestine occurs extensively in the country and is produced in almost all states. Major Producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Bihar, Orissa,Rajasthan and Karnataka. Total recoverable reserves of Limestone of all grades are estimated Manganese Ore at 6935.4 crore tonnes.
Manganese :- Recoverable reserves of manganese ore are estimated at 15.4 crore tonnes. Rich deposists of Manganese Ore occur in Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujrat, Karanataka, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa. Major producers are Orissa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
Mica :-India is world’s leading producer of sheet mica and accounts for about 60 per cent of global mica trade. Economic deposits of mica occur in three richest mica belts, accounts for almost 60 per cent of India’s output in terms of value. Though large mica resources are existing, estimates have not far been made because of irregular nature of pegmatites as well as erratic nature of mica mineralisation in pegmatites
Nickel :-Low grade latorited nickel occurs in Cuttack, Keonjhar and Mayurbhani Districts of Orissa. Main occurrence is in Sukinda Belt to Cuttack District. Minor occurrences are also reported from Bihar, Manipur, Nagaland, Maharasthra, Karnataka and Rajasthan. Total nickel ore resources are estimated at 23.1 crore tonnes.
Phosphate Minerals :- Deposists of Phosphorites are located in Chhatarpur, Sagar and Jhabua Districts of Madhya Pradesh, Udaipur, Jaisalmer and Banswara districts of Rajasthan and Dehradun and Tehri and Lalitpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Besides, apatite deposits of commerical importance are reported to occur in Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Total recoverable reserves of Rock Phosphate are estimated at 11.5 crore tonnes and of apatite at 20 lakh tonnes.
Tungsten :-Recoverable reserves of tungsten ore are placed at 70 lakh tonnes with W 03 contents of 7,860 tonnes. Tungsten ore occurs in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. The only producing mine in the country is at Degana in Rajasthan.
Magnesite :- India is having large resources of magnesite, which is an important refractory mineral. Total recoverable reserves of magnesite are estimated at 22.2 crore tonnes. Presently, chief sources of magnesite are in the District of Salem in Tamil Nadu and Almora in Uttar Pradesh. Deposits of magnesite also occur in Chamili and Pithoragarh District of Uttar Pradesh, Mysore and Hassan District of Karnataka and in Jammu and Kashmir and Kerala.
Kyanite and Sillimanite :-Kyanitye and sillimanite are other important refractory minerals. Principal sources of supply of kyanite are Singhbhum deposit of Bihar and Bhandara deposit of Maharashtra. A small quantity is also produced form Karnataka and Rajasthan. Total recoverable reverses of Sillimanite are placed at 54.3 lakh tonnes.
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