What are distribution of forest ?

               Distribution of Forests
The forest region in india is divided into eight district of forest region.

The district are :-

  • The Western himalaya region
  • The Eastern himalaya region 
  • The Assam region
  • The Ganga plain region
  • The Deccan region
  • The Malabar region
  • The Andaman region
The Western Himalaya region:- The region is extends from Kashmir Kumaon.  There are different types forest of pine, conferd and. broad-leaved temperate trees. Forests of blue pine spruce and silver fir occur.

The Eastern Himalaya region :- This region comprises  from Darjeeling, Kureseong and the adjacent tract. The temperate zone has a forests of oaks, laurels, rhodendrons,  maples, alder and brich.

The Assam region:- This region comprises the Brahamputra and the Surma valleys and the interveing hill ranges. The region contain evergreen forests, occasional thick clumps of bamboos and tall grasses.

The Ganga plain region :- This region covers the area from the Aravali rangers to Bengal and Orissa.  These are Widely different types are found only in small areas in the forests.

The Deccan region :-This region has different  kinds of scrub jungles to mixed decidous forest.

The Malabar region :- This region is rich in forest vegetation. Besides, it produces important commerical crops, such as cocount pepper, coffee, tea.  rubber, cashewnut and eucalyptus trees are also present .

The Andaman region :- This region is rich in evergreen, semi-evergreen, mangrove, beach and diluvial forests. This region contain 45,000 species of plants including shrubs in the country. 


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